Flipkart and Snapdeal have dumped one pointless metric for another — Quartz

India’s leading e-commerce companies have abandoned the one metric they had held dear since inception. Gross merchandise value—GMV or the total value of goods sold through a marketplace—has so far been the most widely used metric for gauging the size and success of e-commerce businesses in India. Both Flipkart and Snapdeal have in the past…

via Flipkart and Snapdeal have dumped one pointless metric for another — Quartz

This Is Why The Relationships That Break Our Hearts Are So Important — Thought Catalog

Natalie AllenIs 28 too early or too late to just come out and say that I don’t want to ever have to fathom a future where I have not become both a wife and a mother? 27 was the age, at least for me, when this reality started to creep in—and yes, out of absolutely…

via This Is Why The Relationships That Break Our Hearts Are So Important — Thought Catalog

The Strange, Forgotten Story of the ‘Nazi Titanic’ — TIME

This post is in partnership with the History News Network, the website that puts the news into historical perspective. The article below was originally published at HNN. My first thought was, “How could something this shocking and tragic have remained relatively unknown for so long?” As an historian, I know that it is tempting but…

via The Strange, Forgotten Story of the ‘Nazi Titanic’ — TIME

Germany offers unembarrassed and condescending sex education for immigrants — Quartz

When the German government’s Center for Health Education launched a website earlier this year to explain the various aspects of sexual relationships, health and rules to some of the country’s newest residents, the timing was unfortunate. Just a few weeks before, hundreds of women reported being sexually assaulted in Cologne on New Year’s Eve by…

via Germany offers unembarrassed and condescending sex education for immigrants — Quartz

This Week In Movie Posters: Phallic Symbols, Magician Crime, And You — Real Stories – UPROXX

IMPA This week in This Week In Movie Posters, this poster for Tomboy slipped in just under the wire, and I put it first because I love it so much. It’s rare that you can fit shooting phallus and menstruation imagery into the same image, and using the same subject. And in a way that’s…

via This Week In Movie Posters: Phallic Symbols, Magician Crime, And You — Real Stories – UPROXX

Dung beetles have better navigational skills than you do — Quartz

Humans are so dependent on smartphones and GPS that it’s shriveling our brains. Not so for the ball-rolling dung beetle. Scientists have discovered that the tiny, excrement-feeding insect has a photographic memory, which it uses to store a mental map of the sun, moon, and stars. That celestial image then helps the beetle navigate from…

via Dung beetles have better navigational skills than you do — Quartz